

Within our tiny minds
we dreamed so very deeply,
as wild space rockets creeped.
At least that’s what
we thought they were,
as our imaginations seeped.

They pointed toward
the highest heavens,
and knocked us to our knees.
What joy we found
when we finally realized
that they were really trees!

For all creation’s joy,
we give you thanks, O God.
May we, your creatures,
be sure to recognize
all the ways you appear
in nature’s glorious features.

Remind us as we tarry
in earth’s abundant forests
that we’re completely surrounded
by love’s unending roots,
and that our deepest hope
is in the deep woods grounded.

© 2023 Todd Jenkins

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  1. Maren Avatar

    I find myself praying for “love’s unending roots” to spread around the place of rockets that is Ukraine.

    Liked by 1 person

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